Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How many times is it written?

It's funny how long it takes, how many times we have to read it, how many times we deny it, before we believe it's true.  In an effort to help myself believe it, I'm recording as many verses as I can think of that speak to the fact that when we seek Christ and His Kingdom, everything else falls into place.  If you can think of others, please add on!  I am going to be putting one verse from each book of the bible to make the point obvious to all of us who continue to go our own way.

...Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless man living on earth at the time.  He consistently followed God's will and enjoyed a close relationship with him.(we all know what followed that verse...he lived through the great flood that wiped out everyone else and he started humanity over)
Genesis 6:9

You must serve only the Lord your God.  If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and i will keep you healthy.
Exodus 23:25

If you keep my laws and are careful to obey my will eat your fill and live secuirely in your land...i will look favorably upon you...etc.
Leviticus 26:3-12

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart
Psalm 37:4

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28