Sunday, July 10, 2011

Give Yourself

"The greatest thing you can give is yourself."
-Bob Burg in the Go Giver.

"There is no greater love than to lay one's life down for one's friend."
-Jesus...does he need a book reference (John 15:13)

It's pretty easy to go through life searching for the thing that we're supposed to do.  The purpose we're here, our calling, our gifting...But how is it that if we're all supposed to reach this understanding, that so few have?  Have we bought into yet another myth about this life?

We talk about seeking the will of the Father, of searching for Jesus in every day life, or even what to do in this very moment.  I'm not saying that these are bad questions to ask, but doesn't this focus in on US still?  What should I do?  What's Your will for MY life?  Where should I live, work, play, serve, give?  Doesn't this world center around me?

But the story's not really about us is it?  It's about God.  So why do we spend so much of our timing asking questions that revolve around us?

...Kim and I have been focusing on two questions over the last few months: Where do we need to live, and where/who/how do we give financially?  We really don't have any answers to these questions yet.  Maybe that's a good thing.  Because it shouldn't be about us.

I don't know about you, but I get caught up so often on the questions and miss the point of the whole journey.   I start thinking that these questions matter and end up then thinking that I matter a whole lot more than I do.  I'm simply an extra in God's great movie.  

So, what really matters?

I'm not sure yet.  But I do know there are billions of people whose situation is worse than mine.  What if I spent as much time each week thinking about them as I did thinking about me?  Wouldn't that have a huge effect on my heart, mind, and actions?  Then, maybe I'd remember that the greatest gift I can give is to to love the person in front of me; to give myself away.

This week, may we all spend more time thinking of the interests of others than we do ourselves.

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